Stationary concrete plants
These are concrete plants intended for permanent placement, usually made of steel reinforced concrete basement, and determined for the manufacture of ready-mix concrete, concrete products or other special products. We can adopt the technologies for production of concrete accordingly to match the available space and meet the customer's requirements. Based on the customer's requirements, we also deliver a technology with two mixers and automatically-filled aggregate storage bins, which markedly decreases the operational costs of the concrete plant (no wheel loader is necessary).
We offer the patented technology of a weighed Z belt conveyor, which can achieve an increase in output by up to 40% compared to other concrete plants in the same class. By using this technology, the reliability of concrete plants can also be increased because there is no longer a risk of failure or falling the aggregate loading skip (the concrete plant does not have any skip). The Z belt conveyor transports aggregates up to the hopper above the mixer, where it is emptied in the mixer by a usual method (using a shutter).
The variants of concrete plants - according to the weighing and transport of aggregates in the mixer:
- With weighing aggregate loading skip
- With weighing belt conveyer and aggregate loading skip
- With weighing and diagonal belt conveyer
- With weighing Z belt conveyer (patented technology)